I spent the better part of a decade dawdling, doodling, meddling and fiddling with the idea of a starting a blog (and generally making content). I have a hundred ideas at any point in my head and writing always excited me, so it just made sense to start. But alas, this was not be as I got lost in the myriad side-decisions surrounding it, from the topics I wanted to write about, the blog name, the visual aesthetics and other technical aspects (hosting provider, publishing platform*, etc.). It was exhilarating to experiment with word play, font styles and colour palettes! But not nearly enough to overcome the frustration because my efforts never took me anywhere, like a spoonful of food that goes past your head instead of into your mouth. For this one post, there are at least five that I haven't published. Hours and hours of pounding away at my laptop to produce nothing of value, except *this* moment of self-realisation (play Buddhist Prayer Bell). I’m a bit of perfectionist, if you haven’t guessed already, and to admit to all the above is not easy. To add to the fire, everything and anything one puts out on the great web can be compared, trolled and will most certainly pale in comparison to truly great work that has already been created. Then why do this at all? Because there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you! I didn't say that, Maya Angelou did, and its so true. I know so. So, that is how I'd like to begin. Without fear. Embracing imperfection. Credits:
*Publishing platform - If you're an aspiring content creator, don't waste time with this activity. Just pick one and get on with it; you can improvise later. Avoid lists. Copyright © Anil Damodaran
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